For Christians in Sport

When I played professional football for 18 years I saw and experienced the futility of man's achievements. The day's headlines and victory was fish and chip paper the next. Trophies and medals are nothing, sportsmen and women! Be good at what you do. In fact do all to the glory of God, even drinking a cup of water. But the point is, 'Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break  in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also' (Matt. 6:19-21). Professional sportspeople live on fear. Fear of losing; losing the game, losing their fitness, fear of losing their place in the team or rankings or their livelihood. So Christians in sport, work hard to win, play for the prize but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven where the real prize lies and which no-ones can take from you. Then when your heart is where it should be, you can really play your sport with no fear!


I am increasingly concerned that nominalism is a central problem in the church. There are many many who are Christian in name only. Jesus died that we - the church- might live the Sermon on the Mount. Yet we are not distinct enough in the West. We are too much like the world, so how will the world be attracted to us. We are not characterized by righteousness and justice. I believe Martin Lloyd Jones was a prophetic voice in the mid twentieth century when he published his Studies in the Sermon on the Mount because of the superficiality that he saw in the church. In his famous speech "Evangelical Unity" in 1966 at the Evangelical Alliance he called evangelicals out of the what was becoming an increasingly lukewarm church in the UK and was not heeded. We have emphasized fellowship ahead of doctrine. If we don't have truth first what are we unified in? It was 'evangelical' unity that Lloyd Jones wanted - unified around the truth of orthodoxy.

Christ calls us to a radical discipleship that is impossible to do without him.  He says "Do what you cannot do". This at once both discourages us and gives us great hope. It discourages us because we cannot do it, but that's just the point he brings us to the end of ourselves so that we may not boast and drive us to him and to trust and reliance on his promises and commands so that he gets the glory. I think the reason that the church is in a poor and powerless state in the West in general is because we are not holy. We have departed from the Word of God. We are lukewarm and Jesus will spit that out. He wants the church to be refreshing, either hot or cold. Jesus loves his church and calls those who are his to repentance. Let us hear his voice today.

I am interested in any thoughts on the problem of nominalism. It is multilayered and complex in both its causes (note Simon Cragg's comments on my post Across to Bears) and its definition.

Across to bears

So its been 2 and a half years since I gave up my job with the BBC and Match of the Day and we ( me, my wife Amanda, and two children Jake and Ava) moved from the UK to Canada in order that I would study a Masters degree in theology in preparation for church ministry. Here there are more bears around than Chelsea fans! I have been a Christian since I was 18 and my story as a professional footballer and a believer in Christ has been well documented. However, it wasn't until 5 years ago that I believe the Lord called me to full time ministry. In a powerful experience whilst reading God's word I knew in an instant that this is what I must do. The church confirmed the call and gave me opportunity to preach and teach. I not only feel pleasure when I preach but I feel compelled - a joyful compulsion if you like.

This blog is intended for me to communicate to believers and non-believers out there. It will include musings, personal experiences and stories, and reflections on God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I will engage in theological topics, current affairs, and comment on the church and mission. The biggest problem that mankind has is unrighteousness and the wrath of God which thereby rests on them. The gospel of Christ is the answer to the needs of the world. And yet the church itself in the West is marked by ungodliness, nominalism and decisionism. We need to reclaim a bigger vision of the gospel, a sure-footedness on the doctrine of sin and the atonement. We have lost knowledge of God and departed from his Word. We need to be holy and then the world will see something attractive and will smell the aroma of Christ upon us.

All things are from God and through God and to God, including sport and I want to show from football that the desire in people to worship and praise something extraordinary, something bigger than themselves is that hole in the soul which was made for God. You will not be truly happy until you realize your need for a Savior. He came to live and die for sinners in order to bring us to God. Heaven and Hell are realities. All men will die eventually and then it will be either everlasting joy or everlasting torment. My call is for believers to examine yourselves and go deeper with God. It is also for unbelievers to say to you that at 18 I was a young man who had what the world would call success and happiness and yet I had nothing because I didn't have Christ.

Consider this: Who is he?